
04 Şubat 2023

“Biaz: The Curse of Kara İye” is Coming Soon to The Audience

Director Volkan Özgümüş

The movie Biaz: The Curse of Kara İye, which shooting was completed in September, is an example of a horror-thriller genre. Directed by Volkan Özgümüş and Erkut Altındağ, the film tells the story of four university students inviting a mythological entity into the world by using a preserved ritual notebook and Ouija board from the past to the present. The film, which tells about the deadly results of this ritual they do for fun, directly affects the audience through the atmosphere of tension it establishes. The script, especially built on a mythological background, also offers the intellectual infrastructure necessary for a contemporary horror film.

The post-production process of the film, of which Maxi Haber is also the press sponsor, continues rapidly. The director of the movie, Volkan Özgümüş, said, “We tried to build a brand new genre. We did our best to go beyond the classic Turkish horror films and bring a new breath to the cinema. I hope the audience will be satisfied with the visuals and the script when they meet with the movie. I think we have a special language of expression.

During the shooting of the film, a short film was shot with a method that is rare in the world. “KADAVRA” (The Cadaver), a short film written and directed by Volkan Özgümüş, was completed while shooting in the same locations with the same cast. The short film KADAVRA (The Cadaver), which has a completely different subject, is currently on its festival journey and has won numerous awards internationally.

Biaz: The Curse of Kara İye movie will soon meet the audience nationwide.


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